Devocionales Diarios

by 37appz



Receive Devotional Bible verses and inspirational every day.

Devocionales y estudios biblicos directamente en tu celular. Mensajes de aliento, paz y amor para que te iluminen y guien en tu vida diaria.Mejora tu relación con Dios recibiendo diariamente los Devocionales Bíblicos.Comparte los pensamientos con tus contactos.Todos los días un nuevo Devocional será entregado en tu celular.Dios te bendiga!* Dos nuevos devocionales por día. Matutinos y Verpertinos* Cada devocional cuenta con una fácil explicación.* Comparte los devocionales con tu familia y amigos directamente desde la app.Una excelente y fácil forma de recibir la palabra diaria de Dios.Devotional and Bible study directly to your phone. Messages of encouragement, peace and love to enlighten and guide you in your daily life.Improve your relationship with God Biblical receiving daily devotionals.Share your thoughts with contacts.Every day a new devotional will be delivered to your phone.God bless you!* Two new daily devotional. Morning and Verpertinos* Each devotional has an easy explanation.* Share devotions with your family and friends directly from the app.An excellent and easy way to receive the word of God daily.Mejoras en las pantallas

Read trusted reviews from application customers

have not been able to downloaded for 2 months......

A Google user

Note 7... I guess it's not made for newer phones.

Jose Gallegos

I downloaded this app but it doesn't work at all it just closed and says it isn't responding wish they'd get this fixed because I us to have this app and I loved it I had no problem on my other phone..

Karina Damián

Me da animo de seguir adelante con fe y confianza

Luisa Mitchell